We hope we can start sending out QSL cards in the second half of April, 2013. Cards will be processed in the following order:
1/ OQRS requests
2/ direct requests
3/ bureau cards.
Bureau cards will only be dealt with when all direct cards have been processed.
Thank you for your patience.
Direct QSL:
The preferred way for requesting PT0S QSL cards is using the Online QSL Request Service (OQRS) on our website.
You can use that form to request your direct QSL, and cover the costs of sending the QSL card to you direct by using PayPal. We request a minimum of US$ 5 or EUR 4 for this service. This might look expensive, but do not forget that you save the costs of sending your own QSL and SASE to us. Any funds remaining after our costs will go to help the PT0S expedition budget. This method allows us faster processing, helps us protect the environment and you will receive your PT0S card faster. If you choose this method (which we prefer), please do NOT request a bureau card or send us your own QSL card.
If you decide to send us your QSL direct by postal mail, please try to follow the below suggestions:
- Please include at least $2 with every direct QSL request for up to three cards per envelope. Unfortunately the traditional "green stamp" -- i.e. US $ 1.00 -- no longer covers the cost of international postage.
- If you send International Reply Coupons (IRC), please make sure that it is not expired or is not about to expire.
- If possible, the return envelope should be C6 size (162 x 114 mm) and NOT marked for AirMail or Priority. Any other size envelopes cost extra postage. If you do not have access to such envelopes, we prefer a self-addressed label which we can stick on the envelope ourselves.
Please be patient, as it will take us time to design and print the QSL cards.
Mailing address:
Tamas Pekarik
Alagi ut 15.
H-2151 Fot
The log will be placed on LoTW, generally within 36 hours of the QSO taking place.
Note that unlike many large DXpeditions who sometimes delay their LoTW postings because they want to make sure they get $5 donation for each QSL card, we will place all valid QSO-s on LoTW. That does not mean we don't need your donation! We will be incurring substantial expenses to bring you this rare and difficult location and will appreciate all the help we can get. To make a donation please see the Support page or click Donate!
We will launch an Online QSL Request Service (OQRS) available through this website.
If you want to receive your QSL via the bureau, please use that form to request the card. We will check your QSOs against the log and send your card to you via the bureau. This method allows us faster processing, helps us protect the environment and you will receive your PT0S card faster. If you request your bureau card online, please do NOT request a direct card and do NOT send us your QSL card.